For an overview of the Signatures module, click here.
The Signatures Module is the central location to add and manage documents that require a signature. From here you can initiate the Signatures workflow by adding a new document. You can send, cancel, delete, and download documents from this module.

Adding a new Signatures Document
Click the “Add” button in the left-hand commands area. A dialog window opens:

Many fields on this dialog are searchable. The “Document” field displays Form Letters, the PTO forms that require a signature, and if you are connected to DocuSign, any DocuSign templates that are available in your account:

- When new files are uploaded, AppColl scans them for signature form fields. If the document contains the fields, The file is then available to use here in the Signatures Module. The form fields are {General.SignatureBlock} and {General.SignatureDateBlock}
The “Send From” and “Send To” fields are searchable, but they can also use fields from a chosen Matter, Task, or Contact:

Selecting one of these fields will require a Matter or Task:

To resolve this, use the Matter or Task fields at the bottom of the dialog to populate the field:

Then include the outgoing email Subject and message Body. DocuSign limits the Subject to 100 characters and the Body to 1000 characters.
- The Subject and Body fields are Form Field-enabled, and you can also use any of your email templates:
Once all the fields are filled in, you can add the document to the Signatures Module as an Unsent document or you can Add and Send the document immediately by clicking the appropriate button:

The document is added to the Signatures Module with its status:

Sending Signature Documents
To send a Signatures Document, you can click the “send” link in the Status column for that document, or to send multiple documents, you can select the documents with the checkboxes and click the Send button in the left-hand action area:

Downloading Signature Documents
You can download individual documents by clicking the document name in the “Document” column, or selecting the documents and clicking the “Download Zip File” button:

Further, the “Combine” button will merge multiple pdf documents into one pdf file:

Where Signature Documents are Stored
Signature Documents are stored in the Files module. If the document was created with an associated Matter, it is stored under that Matter's Files in a “Signatures” directory:

For Signature Documents that are not associated with a Matter, they are located in the “Signatures” directory at the top (root) level of the Files module:

Deleting Signature Document(s)
Signature Documents can be sent to the AppColl Trash by selecting the document(s) and clicking the “Delete” button in the left-hand actions area:

Manual Workflow
By default, AppColl will leverage your DocuSign account to send and receive Signature Documents. If you don't have a DocuSign account or prefer to simply email the document to the recipient(s), you can elect to have AppColl send the document directly. To send the document manually via AppColl, check the box:

AppColl creates a unique email intake address for the document and emails the recipient(s) with the document attached. The recipient(s) are responsible for printing, signing, and scanning the document. Once that is complete, the recipient(s) only need to reply to the email with the signed document as an attachment. AppColl receives the email, extracts the attachment, and updates the status of the document.
The recipient(s) receive an email from AppColl

The recipient(s) reply to the email with the signed document attached:

When received, AppColl marks the document as Complete.

- You can click the “Refresh” button to check for new emails and to poll DocuSign for updates.