Add Inventors to Form Letters and Emails

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You can add all the inventors to forms using {Matter.Inventors}. If you wish to add certain inventors to forms, use {Matter.Inventor<n>}. (Note that {Matter.Inventor1} is the same as {Matter.FirstInventor}.) If the inventor doesn’t exist (i.e., {Matter.Inventor3} for a matter that only has 2 inventors), the field will simply be deleted from your form letter with no text inserted.

Another special field, 'InventorsEtAl', can be used to generate either '<first inventor last name>' if the matter has one inventor or '<first inventor last name>etal' if the matter has more than one inventor.

Some examples:

{Matter.Inventor1}                                       Roger Walters
{Matter.Inventor2}                                       John Smith
{Matter.Inventor2.First}                               John
{Matter.Inventor3.CitizenshipFull}               United States
{Matter.Inventor1.AddressLine}                  132 Lindon Drive, Summerfield, Iowa 41223
{Matter.InventorsEtAl}                                 Walters et al.

Use the following syntax to show the name and address info for multiple inventors.


This syntax will show the details for 5 inventors. If there are less than 5 inventors, no spaces are added when using the +013+010 syntax at the end of each field. If there are only 3 inventors, the above syntax will prevent spaces caused by blank values from inventor 4 and 5.

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 for more information on using special characters as shown above.