Account Copy

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AppColl Support can copy/transfer cases from one AppColl account to another AppColl account using a Copy Report from the source account.  A Copy Report will copy Matters and Contacts, and all the Tasks, Files, Prior Art and Billing items and Invoices (if applicable) related to those matters. The copy report will not pull reports, custom forms, or templates, so those will need to be moved over manually, if desired.

The Account Administrator at the source account will need create the matter report for AppColl Support to copy. That report should be named “Matters to Copy – XXXXX (name of target account).”

The source account AA will also need to provide AppColl Support with written permission to copy that report from the source account to the target account.   AppColl Support may also copy a customer number from the source account to target account, if needed.  If this is not needed, the AA of the target account will need to set up the eOffice Action Processing and MyUSPTO Sponsorship in the new account.

Next, a member of our Support team will access the source account and begin the copy to the target account.

1.    Source account AA creates the copy report, provides permission to copy to AppColl and provides name of report.
2.    Target account AA provides AppColl permission to copy.
3.    AppColl Support begins copy
4.    Target account AA completes Set-up

Please see attached PM Copy Checklist